Ball Walk Project
A summer long interactive game of collecting lost balls
The goal: to fill the floor of a 50x60 foot gallery for the

May 27, 2001-October 27, 2001
MASSachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art

Throughout the 20th century the world of games - with its inversions of mastery, dependence on chance, and reliance on both verbal and physical play - has intrigued and inspired visual artists. With its new exhibition Game Show, opening on May 27, 2001, MASS MoCA presents the first major exhibition to explore how artists have adapted game structures and themes in their work.

Game Show will focus on the proliferation of artists' "games" during the 1990s, concentrating on new media work and including pieces by Sophie Calle, Perry Hoberman, Natalie Bookchin, Christian Jankowski, Uri Tzaig,
Danny O, Jodi, Lonnie Flickinger, Maciej Wisniewski, Thompson & Craighead, Christoph Draeger, and Chris Finley. MASS MoCA has also commissioned a new work by Kay Rosen for the exhibition.